Category: Collaborations
“A Mother’s Confession” — song and recording by Amanda Palmer
Okay, so this isn’t a collaboration, but I am singing at the end of the recording. This is Amanda’s new song about motherhood, which she wrote and recorded the night before…
Daytrotter Session (Rock Island, IL) with Tom Brosseau — recordings by Patrick Stolley
One lovely afternoon in May, nestled in a room of a thousand guitar amplifiers, in the quiet intervals between the racket of a jackhammer tearing up the street outside, Tom…
“Say Yes To Yourself!” — album by Elisabeth Pixley-Fink and Andru Bemis
This is a collection of home recordings made during the late summer days of 2011 in Kalamazoo and South Haven, Michigan. We released the record on September 16, 2011, to…
“How Big Is Tacoma” — video and album by Jason Webley with Andru Bemis
About a year ago, Jason and Andru decided to try to write a handful of songs together. The result was a batch of tunes that bounce around somewhere between beautiful…