Karla Lara & José Antonio Velásquez @ Chenango Craftsman — 16 May 2018

Presented in cooperation with Witness For Peace — Renowned Honduran resistance singer, feminist organizer, poet and performer Karla Lara performs with virtuoso jazz musician, pianist and composer José Antonio Velásquez.  Their music addresses the struggle for justice and self-determination against the forces of capitalism, racism, and patriarchy in Honduras and globally. They sing to free those who have been unjustly incarcerated and denied their right to protest, about our world, and about this powerful time when women continue to be present and to “live life singing”!

May 16th, 2018 at 7:30 pm
Potluck and doors at 6:30 pm
Chenango Craftsman HC in Binghamton, NY
$10 donation (100% to the artist)

Karla Lara

Karla Lara is a singer, feminist, member of the Movimiento Amplio por la Dignidad y la Justicia (Broad Movement for Justice and Dignity), and columnist for the Honduran newspaper El Libertador. A native of Honduras, Lara has toured throughout Central and South America, the United States, the Caribbean, Europe and Africa, where she performed at the 2011 World Social Forum in Senegal. Since 2004, she has released four albums, and has an extensive unedited musical repertoire reflecting the identity of the Honduran people, of their hope, with the faces and testimony of women, from a feminist political perspective.

José Antonio Velásquez

José Antonio Velásquez is a virtuoso jazz musician, pianist, and composer, known for his musical versatility. He has accompanied Karla Lara’s musical work since 2007, is a founding member of Hibriduz Jazz ensemble, the musical director of the Jazz Trio HN, and a member of the group Cien Años.

Chenango Craftsman Houseconcerts

Chenango Craftsman Houseconcerts take place at the home of Sarah Gerk and Andru Bemis in the Northside of Binghamton, New York. Because of the intimate nature of the space, concerts are by “invitation” only. This can come from the performer’s newsletter or website, through our periodic email newsletter, or from an acquaintance, family member or other concert guest. 

100% of audience donations go directly to the artists. To guarantee seats for you and your guests, contact Andru for free reservations and donate when you arrive at the concert, or donate in advance with a credit card. Guests without reservations may make their donation–cash or check–at the concert, and will be seated according to availability. Reasonably well-behaved kiddos and babies are always welcome.

Doors open at 6:30 pm. Join us for potluck-style food, snacks and drinks before the concert, if you wish. Don’t feel that you must bring something to be included; there’s always enough for everybody. Music starts at 7:30 pm. Karla Lara and José Antonio will play and answer questions till 9 pm or so. Feel free to stay and visit after the performance, and don’t be afraid to arrive late or leave early if your schedule requires it.

We’re looking forward to seeing you on the 16th!

If you have any questions or would like more information, contact Andru.