(dunno why ye’re getting this? want off? reply ‘unsubscribe’…. all is well. 🙂 _______________________________________________________ Hello friends/enemies/other (circle applicable) – It’s been very close to a year since I sent the…
“Rail To Reel” — album by Andru Bemis
So many thanks to: the whole lot o’ ye thieves and tramps who hitched, hopped, walked, drove and rode to be on this album …. Rachel, Rich, Mike, Jeremy K.,…
“Two Years Too Late”
Music by Andru Bemis
“Put the Lights Out, Maggie” — lyrics
Words and music by Andru Bemis Put the lights out, Maggie We don’t need them anymore Sun come down from heaven gonna light up the world Dry your eyes my…
“Long Time Gone” — lyrics
Words and music by Andru Bemis Good morning sunshine You’ve been a long time gone It’s a cold world darling when you decide to move on No matter where you…
“Time For You” — lyrics
Words and music by Andru Bemis I don’t care how long you’re gone It really doesn’t matter what’s going on I’ll always got time for you Remember when I told…